Konjugácia slovesa execute v slovenčine vo všetkých časoch
Tu sú konjugačné tabuľky pre sloveso execute v angličtine.
Konjugácia slovesa execute v prítomnom čase
Present Tense
- I execute
- you execute
- he|she|it executes
- we execute
- you execute
- they execute
Present Continuous
- I am executing
- you are executing
- he|she|it is executing
- we are executing
- you are executing
- they are executing
Present Perfect
- I have executed
- you have executed
- he|she|it has executed
- we have executed
- you have executed
- they have executed
Present Perfect Continuous
- I have been executing
- you have been executing
- he|she|it has been executing
- we have been executing
- you have been executing
- they have been executing
Ako používať tieto časy v angličtine? Present vyjadruje v angličtine zvyk, frekvenciu, všeobecnú pravdu a stav. Present Continuous vyjadruje predovšetkým myšlienku činnosti alebo aktivity, ktorá stále prebieha. Present Perfect vyjadruje pojmy, ktoré sa vždy vzťahujú na prítomnosť alebo dôsledok udalosti. A napokon Present Perfect Continuous spája s predstavou činnosti predstavu trvania.
Konjugácia slovesa execute v minulých časoch
Simple past
- I executed
- you executed
- he|she|it executed
- we executed
- you executed
- they executed
Past continuous
- I was executing
- you were executing
- he|she|it was executing
- we were executing
- you were executing
- they were executing
Past perfect
- I had executed
- you had executed
- he|she|it had executed
- we had executed
- you had executed
- they had executed
Past perfect continuous
- I had been executing
- you had been executing
- he|she|it had been executing
- we had been executing
- you had been executing
- they had been executing
Ako sa používajú tieto časy v angličtine? Prostý minulý čas vyjadruje dokončené činnosti, ktoré nesúvisia s prítomnosťou, datované minulé činnosti alebo zvyky. V angličtine sa používa veľmi často. Na druhej strane Past Continuous (Simple Past + ING) sa používa na to, aby sme hovorili o prebiehajúcich činnostiach v minulosti alebo o prebiehajúcej činnosti v minulosti, keď nastala iná činnosť. Past Perfect sa používa na označenie toho, že dej sa uskutočnil pred iným minulým dejom. A napokon Past Perfect Continuous sa používa na označenie nepretržitého deja v minulosti, ktorý pokračoval až do iného minulého deja.
Konjugácia slovesa execute vo futurálnom čase
- I will execute
- you will execute
- he|she|it will execute
- we will execute
- you will execute
- they will execute
Future continuous
- I will be executing
- you will be executing
- he|she|it will be executing
- we will be executing
- you will be executing
- they will be executing
Future perfect
- I will have executed
- you will have executed
- he|she|it will have executed
- we will have executed
- you will have executed
- they will have executed
Future perfect continuous
- I will have been executing
- you will have been executing
- he|she|it will have been executing
- we will have been executing
- you will have been executing
- they will have been executing
Ako používate tieto časy v angličtine? Čas budúci sa používa na rozprávanie o faktických činnostiach v budúcnosti. Future Continuous sa používa na rozprávanie o veciach, ktoré sa budú diať v budúcnosti. Future Perfect je časovanie, ktoré sa v angličtine nepoužíva často, toto časovanie sa používa na rozprávanie o budúcom faktickom deji pred iným dejom. A napokon Future Perfect Continuous sa používa veľmi zriedkavo, tento čas sa používa na to, aby sme hovorili o budúcom deji prebiehajúcom a predchádzajúcom inému.
Rôzne tvary príčastia v angličtine pri slovese to execute
Imperatív v angličtine pre sloveso to execute
- execute
- let's execute
- execute
Konjugovať ďalšie sloveso v angličtine
Ďalšie náhodné slovesá na objavovanie v angličtine: fry